We Help Businesses Support Their Employees’ Childcare Needs
Coming Soon… As the Hub grows, we will work with business partners to support their employees with young children in meeting their childcare needs and provide opportunities for businesses to invest in their employees’ childcare needs. In the meantime, please check out the work we are doing at The Mayor’s Fund for Long Beach or with our business partners.
How Early Learning Access Affects the Bottom Line
With access to early learning and childcare, families and businesses benefit with improved productivity and revenue — so everyone wins!
Losses Due to Childcare Issues
Families lose an average of $3,350 per working parent, in lost earning and more time looking for work. Across the 11 million parents of children under age three in the US, this burden is $37 billion per year.
Businesses lose an average of $1,150 per working parent in reduced revenue and in extra hiring costs. The annual burden on business is $13 billion.
Businesses lose an average of $1,150 annually per working parent due to childcare access issues
$3 Billion (nationwide) in revenue lost annually due to employee absenteeism and childcare breakdowns
Gains with Employee Access to Childcare
85% of businesses who invest in childcare options report improved recruitment
Improved talent retention: Turnover drops by 60%
Absenteeism drops by 30%
Improved productivity & revenue
Improved retention of female talent in worksplace
Raises life-long workforce participationt